Saturday, July 31, 2010

They are all here!!

We ended up with 12 baby Serama's. These have to be the best mamas ever. They share the babies and don't fight when the babies play together like my big chickens do. Here are a few pictures I took of them yesterday. We put bit-bit our tiny D'ucle in with the serama babies and they took him right in. Told ya they are the best mamas..

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Finally we have Serama Babies!!!!

This is the third or fourth time that our Serama's have gone broody, but the first time we have gotten babies. As of right now we have 3 that I know of hatched. There were 2 others pippin yesterday. They are so cute. Here is a family portrait of our little family.
This is how the mama's made their nest. It is so cute. They are the most gentle creatures. The little one's are going from mom to mom. The mama's don't seem to mind either.
More pictures to come as the little one's start appearing from under their moms.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

When I said there would be babies.....

I never imagined there would be this many.. We officially have 17 hatched in the incubator with 5 more pippin.
We have them in a little bird cage right now, and when the other's finish hatching they will go in the brooder down at the coop.

This is little Pudgy. He is so chubby and cute.
This mama hatched 13 and we added 1 to her bunch. She is one busy mama!
As of last night this little mama had 6 new little one's.
Our Serama's are broody once again. I hope we hatch some this time. For some reason they have sat twice and we have yet to get any little ones. The roo seems to be doing his job this time and after checking some of the eggs we see wee little ones inside. EXCITING!!
One of Cappie's lionhead bunnies wanted to pop in and say hello...

That's it for today. We have 4 more hens sitting and more eggs in the bator, so many more babies to come. Now, here's to hoping they are not all roosters!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Egg-tra Egg-tra Egg-cited!!!!

There is so much excitement happening around our little farm. We have babies hatchin! It all started yesterday when Cappie made her daily (one of many) trips to the coop. She found that one of the nest had been invaded by ants and the mom has abandoned the eggs. As she was gathering the eggs she noticed pippin. She carefully brought the eggs and placed them in the incubater (we have 32 eggs in the bater- w/ 10 more days to go). This morning we woke to a little chick crawling all over the other eggs.

This morning when we walked to the coop to feed and let the chickens out, we went inside to check on our sitting hens. One of the moms had gone out to eat so we examined her eggs. She had 3 pippin. One was really working hard at breaking free from its egg. Naturally I came back to the house to grab my camera. When we returned to the coop the mom was back on her eggs. Now all you can hear is lots of little baby chicky noises!!! I LOVE IT!!! We have I believe 5 hens sitting. Some only have a few eggs under them, while others have as many as 19. As the mama hen would leave her nest to feed, others would jump in her nest and lay their eggs. We did not bother them since we were unsure of the new ones and the ones that had been there a while. Either way, we have tons of little babies about the hatch.

Here is what our nesting boxes look like at the moment.

This is the mom with 19 eggs under her! She is going to be a good mama. (Glad it's her and not me who will be runnin all those little ones.)

This mama hatched her two little ones last week. I love watching them hitch a ride on mama's back.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What is that in the hen house?

Chicken papa got up early to let the chickens out for the day. When he arrived at the coop there was such a comotion, he couldn't imagine what was going on. Then he saw the culprit! A HUGE owl had made his/her way into the chicken yard. Not to worry chicken papa saved the day. With a big fishin net he captured the owl and sent her/him on it's merry little way.. All is quite again in the chicken yard..

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Randomness around the farm

Cappie set out with camera in hand today. Here are a few of the things she captured.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


3 Baby Goats and 27 Baby Chicks!! Our farm just keeps growing and growing..Oh and I forgot to mention the 2 baby bunnies my husband found yesterday. Not so sure how to tend to them. My baby chicks are only a few days old. 2 of the baby goats are going into their 3rd week and the other is only a little over a week old. They are adorable and so fun to watch.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Wow!!! Has it been that long?

I did not realize it had been so long since my last post.... What's up with the chickens? Well, we had to do a little coop cleaning. With the addition of 11 eggs hatched by mama hen, freebies sent with an order, and finally figuring out gender of all chicks, we had around 15 roosters in the hen house. If you have ever had 1 man in your kitchen while you were cooking, then you know 15 roosters in a hen house is WAY to many! Now we are down to 4, and the hens are happy. We have been gathering over a dozen eggs a day. Before we rid the house of all the roosters, we were getting none. Oh Happy Day!! Next Monday we have 25 pullet chicks coming in. This winter was hard on my chicken coop. Between the rain, snow, and just plain yucky weather, we lost several hens. It was time to add to our hens. My daughters serama is sitting. She should have some chicks by the end of the month. I can't wait. The eggs are so tiny, I can't imagine how little the babies will be. I am thinking I will candle them this week to make sure all is well. Until now I have not bothered her. She is being a good little mama and seeing about her eggs, and gets terribly fiesty when you try to mess with them.
I will try to post pictures soon. That would be a good thing to do when the new fuzzy butts arrive...